Theme >

We do research in large systems and large data.

Projects >

Clone Detection
Yelp dataset challenge
Source Code Datasets
Wikipedia Editing Events
Digital Voices

< Software

Papers >


Mondego Group Publications


Mondego Group Awards

2019 Cristina V. Lopes, IEEE Fellow
2011 Cristina V. Lopes, ACM Distinguished Scientist
2011 Arthur Valadares, Jackie Doong and Boaz Gurdin, Winners of ICS/UCI Butterworth Competition
2011 Ganjisaffar, Y., Zilio, A., Javanmardi, S., Cetindil, I., Sikka, M., Katumalla, S., Khatib, N., Li, C., Lopes, C. V. 3rd Place in Microsoft Speller Challenge (100+ teams competing)
2009 Sushil Krishna Bajracharya and Cristina Videira Lopes, Best Paper Award at Mining Software Repositories
2007 Sara Javanmardi, Winner of ICS/UCI Butterworth Competition
2007 Erik Linstead, Paul Rigor, Sushil Bajracharya, Cristina Lopes, and Pierre Baldi. Mining Challenge Winner at Mining Software Repositories
2007 Cristina V. Lopes, ICS Dean's Award for Excellence in Service
2004 Cristina V. Lopes, NSF CAREER Award
2004 Cristina V. Lopes, UCI Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research

< Awards

People >

Crista Videira Lopes, advisor
Rohan Achar, PhD student
Farima Farmahinifarahani, PhD student
Maruf Zaber, Ph.D. student
Institute for Software Research
Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics

< Collabs

Alumni >

Di Yang, Ph.D. 2019
Wen Shen, PhD 2019
Vaibhav Saini, PhD 2018
Eugenia Gabrielova, MS 2018
Arthur Valadares, PhD 2016
Thomas Debeauvais, PhD 2016
Andrea DSouza, MS 2016
Hitesh Sajnani, PhD 2016
Maryam Khademi, PhD 2015
Xi Sun, MS 2014
Pramit Choudhary, MS 2013
Joel Ossher, PhD 2013
Shengwei (William) Li, MS 2012.
Praneet Mahtre, M.S. 2012
Yasser Ganjisaffar, PhD 2011
Sara Javanmardi, PhD 2011
Sushil Bajracharya, PhD 2010
Amy Henckel, MS 2009
Trung Ngo, MS 2007
Amir Haghighat, MS 2007
Raja Jurdak, PhD 2005
National Science Foundation
CCF-0347902, CCF-0725370, OCI-0724806, IIS-0808783, CCF-1018374, CCF-1218228
American Heart Association 13GRNT16990060
Additional gifts from Intel, Amazon AWS, Northrop Grumman, Unimodal Inc, Calit2

Thank you!

< Funding

Graduate School?

I am always looking for good, highly-motivated individuals who have what it takes to spend 5-6 years diving into a specific problem in my areas of interest. If you are interested in working with me and the students in the Mondego Group, consider applying to one of these Ph.D. programs in the Bren School of ICS:

Software Engineering: choose this if your main interest is the production of software systems. Work that I advise under this program includes: software architectures for large-scale systems, mining software repositories, programming languages and environments. In other words, the server side and development tools.

Informatics: choose this if your main interest is HCI. Work that I advise under this program includes: user experience for 3D spaces, virtual-physical interaction. In other words, the front end.

Computer Science: choose this if your main interests are Web data or scientific data. Work that I advise under this program includes: mining the Web, analyzing large scientific data sets. In other words, the data side.